Rick Mercer's alley rant about Stockwell Day, a fundamentalist Christian politician:
“He believes in Capital Punishment and Jesus. Is there a version of Jesus that I don't remember?”
Hypocritical: Behaving in a way that contradicts one's beliefs. From “hypo” (low) and “critical” (as having knowledge to pass judgment). So hypocritical is low or poor judgment.
This is the only excuse for those Christians who voted for Voldemort in the US elections in early November - a lack of judgment. While believing in Jesus and that he was evil, a Trump presidency would do the work of God; which is at least a God who who would be pleased by the roll-back of progressive laws and case precedent for women, LGTBQ+, blacks, migrants, religious freedoms. To Make America Pray (to Jesus) Again (MAPTJA).